The Artisan Chronicles

What goes on in the mind of an artisan? How does he work? How does she run the business? Read on. It’s pretty interesting.

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A Total Window Makeover course offers a transformational experience—each participant restores an entire double-hung window in just five days. In that time, they gain hands-on mastery of essential movements in window restoration,...

A Window Begins with a Hole in the Wall First, what is a window? Fundamentally speaking, a window has always been nothing more than a simple hole fashioned in a wall for...

It’s Hard to Make it as a Carpenter! It’s Hard to Pass on Carpentry Skills The problem with passing on carpentry skills is that it takes repetition to get any momentum and...

The Historic House Community: A tremendous opportunity for growth in knowledge, skill and a perpetually sustainable life. Once upon a time an Army of Artisans made their way across America.  They spent...

We’re calling it Artisans on a Mission. Wood Window Makeover is partnering with the Clearwater Historical Society and the Plumb House to bring you Operation Uplift: Crusade for Cole.  February 7-14, Artisans from...

Fthmp…TING! Next door to our window museum studio in Tampa, a baseball coaching enterprise moved in. We hear the unmistakable sound of someone making their proper sacrifice, putting in the time, giving...

Window Craft just may be the perfect old house trade to study, as it encapsulates practically all the skills needed to properly service every historic house community across the United States. It...

Desperation. With fewer people entering the trades, finding someone qualified to address common historic home issues is increasingly complicated. Historic wood windows, still a numbering in the millions, are serviced by a...

Wood Window Makeover’s Artisan Army will have a new home base soon. With a primary focus on archetypal window craft, Steve plans for this space to serve more than just our core...

Wondering how I lead the people on my San Antonio team today…. Are they making progress? Yes. Am I making progress? Yes. And maybe. I don’t know. What I want to know...

What do you want for Christmas? Maybe it’s a black swan on the back of a unicorn. I’m going to be glad to spend a few weeks at home with my family....

The business is so simple, yet so complex. Any complexities with the windows have all been removed, making the windows so simple to work on, yet finding the simple tools, materials and...

That's all for now!