Some people are just great at puzzles. And they love them… Those kids who can solve a Rubik’s cube is under a minute? Geniuses.
Steve is building a window for a client that is that kind of puzzle. Parts each have to be hand-crafted out of thin air, so that they perfectly fit together 3-dimensionally. There are no instructions. He just magically makes something out of nothing.
Actually not just out of nothing, but out of a solid piece of wood. So I guess each movement is actually just removing wood until the puzzle fits? Honestly I’m utterly bemused by it. Obviously impressed. But it also gives me crazy anxiety. What if you were to remove too much wood? Where do you even start? How the hell do you see all these parts that don’t exist?
What’s cool is to see how for Steve solving these puzzles are his moments of zen. Like watching a master chess player see 10 moves ahead. And the end result is a beautifully crafted archetypal window. It really is magic.