I’ve been with Wood Window Makeover for over 2 years now. And in that time I’ve learned a thing or two about wood windows. I’m not a window artisan – my role is in the office – but I visit homes, hear our team’s stories, talk to customers, and I’ve worked on my own windows in my home (that’s a story for another day).
And when we’re talking windows we’re mostly talking double-hung windows. But every now a then we get a home with casement windows to work on. A bit like buses though, all our casement projects always seem to arrive at once. And they require a complete shift in the way we approach the project. From the project planning, to the techniques being used, to the hardware and materials we order, casement windows are a different animal.

Casement windows look so simple. Essentially little doors. But that belies the utter precision required to make casements function as intended. We’re aiming for that perfect fit – like a fancy car door when it closes – with perfect mechanics to match. And that requires an attention to detail that is intimidating (at least to me!)
For me it’s like learning about wood windows all over again. I’m still discovering the details, methods, and materials that go into making a perfect casement window project.
This month we have 2 casement window projects. One we just completed and the other is underway as I write.
And the project we’ve completed was a delight to watch unfold. We started out with windows that had incorrect frames, rotting sash, and the ‘wrong’ hardware. And the home now has a gorgeous set of windows that fit and operate perfectly. We sourced lovely hardware and fitted them with interior screens, making them perfect to open during Tampa’s beautiful winter months.

I’ll report on the project that’s still underway soon. But I’m confident we’ll be just as pleased with that one too.
What’s important though is that we’ve all taken our time on both these projects. Really paid attention to the details and the lessons – so that next time a group of casement window project comes along our methods and approach will be even better.